Bring Back Our Neighbours

Against the Saxonian deportation policy

Emergency kit against deportation

How can deportation be prevented? What can I do if there is an ongoing deportation? Incl. templates.

Flyer for people in the asylum procedure and toleration

Important information at a glance

From our blog

Here we collect information about deportations and public actions at rather irregular intervals. The blog posts are mostly in German.

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Against the Saxonian deportation policy

After the successful fight for the return of the I. family to Pirna, a Saxony-wide alliance has come together. In several round tables, people from politics, churches, associations and initiatives discussed how those affected can be supported and how we can stand together in solidarity against Saxony’s deportation policy. We are developing comprehensive and multilingual information material on protection against deportations. We have developed 9 flyers with short information from asylum procedures to deportation and 3 emergency cases against deportations. This information is for those affected and supporters who are critical of certain or all deportations.
Deportations often happen in secret. Most people do not know when deportations are imminent, how violent deportations are and what the fear of deportation means. Often people are affected who, with better counselling, which the authorities unfortunately usually do not provide, would have a good chance of getting the right to stay. That is why you will find basic information on deportations and how to avoid them on this website, partly in several languages: Digital and to print out and distribute.

Email distribution list

In our email distribution list we inform each other about deportations and support actions against them, as well as events relevant to the topic and further information. The email list is open to full-time and voluntary activists, people from politics, associations and churches.

The language is mostly German, sometimes English.

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Foto eines FlipCharts: Mit Aufschrift "2. Runder Tisch: Update Familie I. ; Update Radebeul/Meißen ; Stand verteilte Aufgaben; Asyl-Ini-Konferenz; Nächste Schritte"